Information security in the automotive industry.
MCG and INU become strategic network partners.
Award for the 3rd time in a row.
Merger of the employers' associations.
MCG draws a positive balance.
The extraordinary sport & business network.
Proud to be a part of it!
MCG gets fit until 2026.
MCG wishes Happy Easter!
Proud to be a part of it!
What does Germany earn in 2023?
How do I retain good employees?
MCG expands internal team.
Another award for MCG
Over 25 nations at MCG.
#Finally O'zapft is again!
Future to work.
Proud to be a part of it!
Traditional MCG outing.
Proud to be a part of it!
Yes, to 75% candidates*.
At the external monitoring audit.
Proud to be a part of it!
The Springboard to Industry.
Search for executives
Live, work, create.
Engineers are in demand like never before!
Temporary work with responsibility
Job perspectives at MCG.
Stepstone Salary Report 2022.
A lifestyle!
MCG supports Aktion Mensch.
MCG is one of the most popular employers on kununu.
Doing good together.
That's our CRS commitment.
Global Player for MCG.
Time for a tolerant employee.
#engineers #technicians #skilled workers
CEOs and world champions want to give something back.
Living and experiencing the community.
Internal monitoring audit at MCG.
What makes working with MCG so special.
Our compliments today go to all our employees and all our colleagues!
A day of appreciation for our colleagues.
What our applicants say
from December 23, 2020 to January 6, 2021.
World Day for Decent Work.
But a little something always works!
What our customers say:
MCG are part of it!
The focus is on the varied tasks.
What our applicants say:
A small thank you with great effect!
Share and Care!
#bleibdahoam #stayhealthy #flattenthecurve #breakthechain
Diversity in the workplace, brings many benefits.
More than just a job.
MCG makes it possible.
Dare the leap into the automotive industry!
We are happy about the thank you from Aktion Mensch!
Entry and further development with a wide range of responsibilities.
Christmas - just the right time to stop and just say THANK YOU!
More than just a job.
The next steps on the career ladder? We support you!
Short reports of our employees about their work at MCG Memmingen GmbH.
Fairness, reliability, respect: trust and seriousness - we will continue to adhere to these principles in 2020.
The selection of jobs is large and there seems to be no end in sight.
Flexible and modern and thus an integral part of our economic system. A real career opportunity for specialists and engineers.
MCG Memmingen GmbH receives a new design. In the course of the brand relaunch, the service portfolio of the MCG Group was further sharpened.
Just in time for the 5th Allgäu season, the traditional MCG tour through the exhibition heralded the Allgäuer Festwoche. Every year the circle of participants expands with our new colleagues from the MCG headquarters in Memmingen.
The annual surveillance audit of the international certification according to DIN ISO 9001 was carried out for the area of application "personnel services / temporary employment in the industrial and technical area / personnel management".
PEAK-PERFORMER offered the opportunity to make exciting contacts with people who have done outstanding work and have a lot to say about it.
Quality assurance and process optimization are essential criteria according to which we align our actions. The annual monitoring audit is therefore not a duty for us, but a freestyle.
You have a specific company in mind but don’t want to launch your application personally?
The EU Data Protection Basic Regulation (DSGVO) has drawn a great deal of attention to the protection of personal data and ensures improved rights for data owners.