New salary report.

New salary report.

New salary report - what does Germany earn in 2023?

The new Salary Report 2023 from StepStone is here.

In the new salary report you will find the median salaries (median income) of 12 occupational groups, broken down by industry, region, education and work experience.

3 facts of the new salary report:

  • The gross average salary is 53,118 EURO.
  • Women earn on average 13.06% less than men.
  • 8 out of 10 people find the salary information in the job advertisement very important.

85 percent of the people say it influences their opinion of a company positively, if these make concrete data to the salary already in the job advertisement. This makes salary transparency an image and employer branding factor that should not be underestimated. Four out of five people in Germany are even in favor of general salary transparency in this country.

Interesting insights into the average salaries of many sought-after occupational groups, broken down by factors such as work experience, education and industry. Over 5,000 employees in Germany took part in the current study.

The gross average salary* is currently 53,118 euros. The highest annual salaries are paid to doctors (93,793 euros), management consultants (60,398 euros) and engineers (58,309 euros).

To the salary report 2023 -> CLICK HERE

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