We at MCG see the DSGVO not only as a duty and generally as a matter of course. We also see many opportunities to realign business processes with the customer and thus increase customer loyalty.
It is worthwhile to fulfil the requirements of the DSGVO in two respects:
First and foremost, in order to prevent data loss and theft, to avoid damage to reputation and not to have to pay high penalties. But the applicant and customer relationship can also be improved sustainably. We take a proactive approach to the DSGVO and develop our business processes according to the specifications. This creates trust!
Our stocktaking brings potential to light:
The aim of the DSGVO is to protect personal data and thus the privacy of customers and applicants. This interest represents the "Nordstern" for all our processes. Customers and applicants rightly expect their data to be protected. We make it simple and transparent what data is collected and how long it is kept.
Obtaining consent with added value - that is our motto!