Advantages for applicants
We use the subject of temporary employment to quickly and easily integrate you into the company. The direct communication with the management and our personal support style naturally also benefits you as an applicant.
We know the appropriate contact persons, we know the respective requirements and work out their strengths and potentials for your desired position together with you.
After some time of working in our company, we would like you to take on a permanent position with the respective customer. We regard this as a gentlemen’s agreement and a win-win situation for all parties involved. A takeover of one of our employees into a permanent position with the customer represents the accolade for us. Then we did a good job!
Advantages for companies
Are you looking for relief for your employees in the company? Do you want to cover order peaks or take a potential candidate on board for the long term?
After we have defined your personnel requirements, either personally on site or by telephone, we will find potential employees who fit your company perfectly. We only get to know all candidates personally and only pass on selected and suitable profiles to you.
Satisfied and long-term customer relationships since the company was founded speak for themselves.